Triad Toys is proud to present, in association with Sea International, Ltd., the Triad Toys Omega body. Fans have asked and we have listened! With the forthcoming Evolution, Otaku and Alpha bodies on the horizon, our goal with the Omega body was to redesign a better joint system for the Sea International body. With our design on the Evo neck, Alpha wrists and ankles, and improved material and paintwork, the Omega body serves as one of the best multi-purpose bodies out on the market. Extremely durable with highly improved articulation, quality, paintwork, and best of all - affordability. You will be extremely surprised by how well the Omega body has turned out and we are quite proud. Here is a big thank you to Sea International for letting us revise their body with our upgrades.
Heads, hands and feet will be compatible with all of Triad's Alpha, Otaku and Omega bodies as well as most other male action figure bodies. Triad Toys makes no warranty that all items/products produced by other manufacturers will work perfectly with its products so please purchase this product at your own discretion.
-35+ points of articulation
-Highly detailed head
-1 Pair of Pistol and Relaxed Hands (trigger grip right hand, slight grip left)
-1 Boxer Briefs
-1 Pair Feet (left and right)